Tags: capuchin monkeys
“Our study raises the possibility that perceptual processes differ between humans and other primates in ways consequential for flaking stones,” Mangalam said.
The full study is available at http://rsbl.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/14/1/20170587
Image: A wild bearded capuchin monkey is striking an intact piaçava nut with a quartzite stone hammer (Credit: Dorothy M. Fragaszy).
Besides providing a gratuitous opportunity to post this phot of Pylon from 1979 (wow), the Athens Music Project, a Willson Center Research Cluster featuring Franklin faculty, is presenting the community with signifciant cultural dividends:
The Athens Music Project will hold its first symposium April 17 from 4-8 p.m. in the auditorium of the Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries at the University of Georgia.
The AMP is a…