Tags: AACU
Congratulations on the many recent honors and accomplishments of faculty, students and alumni of the Franklin College and our colleagues around the university:
The University of Georgia observed its anniversary as the birthplace of public higher education in America during the week of Jan. 22-26, and the UGA Alumni Association celebrated the occasion by hosting a weeklong series of events, including the 16th annual Founders Day Lecture Jan. 22…
Congratulations to Rishi Masalia, Ph.D. candidate in the department of plant biology, who has been named one of seven K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders for 2018 by the American Association of Colleges and Universities for his commitment to teaching and learning, as well as his involvement in science outreach in the Athens community. Masalia is the fifth UGA student to win the award.
A biologist and bioinformatician by training, his area of…
Maybe because it's Spring Break, but can you resist a lamppost post? Certainly, I cannot.
If you every wondered why North Campus has the look and feel of park, it is because UGA has some of the best grounds crew professionals you will find anywhere. They're at it again, this time, taking the time and care to replace the 100-year-old lampposts near the arch:
Installed in June 1914 by the Athens Rail and Light Company, the lampposts were…