Tags: Santa Elena
After discovering the location of an elusive Spanish fort on present-day Parris Island in Beaufort County, South Carolina, archaeologists are working to map the surrounding area to paint a picture of what life was like during various occupations of Santa Elena, the once capital of Spanish La Florida.
In 2016, University of South Carolina archaeologist Chester DePratter and Victor Thompson, an archaeologist from the University of Georgia,…
The Office of Student Academic Services in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences provides the guidance that helps UGA students build a foundation for success on campus and in their careers. Each week this summer, hundreds of incoming freshmen and transfer students are getting a glimpse of university life that goes beyond Ramsey Center and the residence halls as the classroom and prospective majors take center stage. With so many decisions to…
In that, beyond whatever disciplinary road you choose, you are already an adherent of your native language and will continue to study its literature. Nice meditation on reading that actually applies to everyone from the other Chronicle, The Ideal English Major:
Real reading is reincarnation. There is no other way to put it. It is being born again into a higher form of consciousness than we ourselves possess. When we walk the streets of Manhattan…