“Our study raises the possibility that perceptual processes differ between humans and other primates in ways consequential for flaking stones,” Mangalam said.
The full study is available at http://rsbl.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/14/1/20170587
Image: A wild bearded capuchin monkey is striking an intact piaçava nut with a quartzite stone hammer (Credit: Dorothy M. Fragaszy).
Tags: kinetic energy
Our hearts are heavy with grief following the horrible events in Paris on Friday. To keep up with developments, we recommend coverage by the New York Times and the French language daily, Libération.
Of course, UGA operates a study abroad program in Paris. UGA à Paris offers a variety of courses from history to geography, communications studies to sociology and international affairs.
A joint Study Abroad program of the …
The south of France contains some of the richest evidence documenting human activity across the ages. Anthropology professor Ted Gragson, who regularly works in the region, will now a lead a major research project at the Université de Toulouse:
Gragson has been awarded more than $900,000 as part of a research project and visiting professor appointment funded by the French government. The IDEX—Initiatives d'excellence—program is designed to…
Last week, we reported that UGA sent two students to the 2014 Lafayette Debates hosted by George Washington University and the French government in Washington, D.C. How'd they do? Pretty well, of course:
The team of Amy Feinberg and Eilidh Geddes had a wondefully successful tournament at the recent Lafayette Debates held at George Washington University and sponsored by the French Embassy. The team defeated teams from Georgetown, Ecole de…